Park, Chan Kwoun

A successful North Korea–U.S. summit is expected to make a breakthrough in the denuclearization of the North. Nevertheless, considering the lessons learned from past denuclearization negotiations, and Pyongyang’s nuclear capacity and will for nuclear development, a solely optimistic outlook is not advisable. In order to pursue successful denuclearization negotiations, a precise understanding of new negotiation conditions, particularly each party’s negotiation strategy and leverage, and application of them is very important. Also, a substantive negotiation strategy and roadmap for the denuclearization should be prepared to be able to pressure and reach an agreement with North Korea. Taking account of the negotiation leverage of North Korea and the United States, a one-sided negotiation with North Korea surrendering to the United States is not likely. This paper aims to provide a practical negotiation strategy and a roadmap for the denuclearization of North Korea reflecting the current security situation surrounding the Korean Peninsula.