Huang, Shi-Wei

Considering the scarcity of indigenous energy resources and high dependence on energy Imports, the energy security indicators on congenital perspective is quite weak in Taiwan. In order to cope with the developments of new energy situation at a global level, Taiwan’s goal to stabilize energy supply has moved from security concern of maintaining energy stability to important environmental issues. Under the guidance of three principles: stability, efficiency and cleanness, the country is developing a new paradigm for strategic planning.
Taking both energy efficiency and environmental protection into account, in order to assure stability and abundance of energy supply to support the needs for economic development; Taiwan’s energy supply strategy is focused on the supply side.
Looking into the future, as international community confronts increasing pressure to reduce greenhouse gases, environmental strategies such as introducing energy technology to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in the short-term, and setting conditions for energy supply capacity cap in the long-term, thus become even more important.
Read the article here.