Ying, Fu

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While speaking at a dinner forum in Beijing, I was asked by an American participant what the Chinese disliked about the United States. Being among friends, I spoke my mind: it is Americans condescendingly lecturing others. What astounded me somewhat, though, was that many Americans present were actually surprised by this comment. What seems obvious to one group can be seen as surprising to another .
Later I posed the question to a number of my WeChat (a Chinese online service combining Facebook and Twitter) groups to seek views from others. I received many messages back.. For example, Peggy, a mother, wrote that the Americans are too sloppy with their diet and the restaurants are stuffed with greasy and salty food,. Shu, a grade school kid: American parents give their children freedom, letting them do whatever they want. Hui, a businessman from western China: I like the toll-free American highways.
Among the solicited responses, there was both heartfelt praise and sharp criticism. Let me summarize the “likes” and the “dislikes.”
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